Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hi dear sisters!
I just wanted to say that all of you are like angels that God has sent to help us go through our days on earth. The words of encouragement, wisdom and sometimes even things we don't like to hear to push us and help us be a better person.

Be it a song, a poem, a prayer or even words of inspiration, it will never fail to encourage someone who needs it. Sometimes, you might think twice before sending the message, or writing something, but if you feel you should do it, just do it. Because in days like these, encouragement will keep us going. And sometimes, God might be using you to speak to the person who is too flooded with emotions and insensitive to his voice.

We might not answer the messages, reply the emails or even say anything. But I am sure one of them have helped us go through a bad day.

I know all of us have our own difficulties in our lives that sometimes we don't share because it might seem very minor or too major but I just want to assure all of you that we have a God that is bigger than our problems. And this family that he has given us; he wants us to learn from one another and encourage each other.

Be it your family, studies, relationships or even minor things that you wish to have, pray and ask for it. Never give up and always give thanks. We will never understand why some things happen but if we pray and leave it to God, I am sure he will be in control and will only have the best plans for you.

I read from somewhere that God will answer your prayers unless it is not the right time or it might create problems for someone in the process of doing so or even if the idea is not the best. If God answered every one of your prayers at the snap of your fingers, God would become your servant, not your master. Suddenly God will be working for you instead of you working for God. God's delays are not God's denials. God's timing is perfect. Patience is what we need in prayer.

So keep praying and don't give up! May God bless those people who are having exams with wisdom and accuracy, for those who have to deal with family matters with patience and love, wisdom and a heart to learn for those in the working world and for everyone, perseverance and hunger to know the Lord.

When the sun is shining, the warmth is comforting. When the skies are dark, the stars are illuminating. When your day is dark, look up to the sky. For the one who created it all, that's where your help comes from.

Good Day! (:

Friday, September 4, 2009

Hello! Sorry for not posting all this time. I just got a new laptop so I'm really happy! :D

Just wanted to share a song that a friend of mine sent me some time back. I joined the prayer cell for the first time this week and I feel really inspired by the enthusiasm in the cell to make God known in NTU. However, I felt rather strange at the same time. For the past 3 weeks all I had been doing was trying to get used to life in uni, so I never really went beyond the kind of thinking that had to do with studies, hostel activities and friends.

The prayer cell was a startling reminder to me of what I had forgotten when I first stepped into NTU. I was trying too hard to get control of the different circumstances in my life so I never really thought about God, apart from a few seconds or minutes of prayer in between tests (haha! for good grades) or studying. I was too caught up with my own circumstances that I forgot about who I am supposed to be in NTU. I forgot that I was the only Christian among my clique of friends and that I am supposed to be that city on a hill, the salt and the light! I really hope to be able to be a positive testimony to those around me so ^ ^ first I must be more constant in my quiet time! haha haven't been really regular... AH okay enough rambling here. hahaha. Here's the song! (:

Learning to Fall by This Beautiful Republic
I've heard it said a million times
That I should hold on tight to Jesus
But I took this road so far from home
And distance came between us

When I walked away, I knew one day
I'd need Your grace

So now You'll find me on my knees
‘Cause I know that I'm really not so strong
And now, I'm done fighting for control
Oh, You can have this life
That I've been holding for so long
I'm learning to fall
Let my world crumble

You ran so fast to rescue me
While I was barely breathing
You picked me up, You touched my face
And I began to see more clearly

Though I'm such a disgrace, You still forgave
Your love remains

Take me as an offering
I surrender everything
No more living without You
You can hear the song here >

God bless! (:

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hello dear fellow sisters,
its really nice seeing all of you present in church today. It's so seldom that all of us can be present for service and have lunch together after. I thank God that we were all free today and had a good time of fellowship together during lunch.

Even as all of us take different paths to fulfill the different ambitions and aspirations that we have, it might be harder for us to spend time together and meet up. But may we stay together as a family in spirit and in truth and not forgetting that when anyone of you fall, we will be there for you to encourage you and help you up. After all, we have been through so much together!

All of you were placed here for a reason and without anyone of you, this family wouldn't be the same. All of you are important and your presence is very much treasured.
I thank God for
Adrina: The daring and truthful lady.
Celine: The gentle and agile leader.
Cher: The caring and generous nurse.
Esther: The always smiling and queen of lame jokes.
Gwen: The one with intellectual things to say.
Joanne: The quiet and approachable lady.
Nessa: The sister-in-law of mine in our dreams and crazy sayings.

So let's have a Mr Bean ice cream outing one day since we all love Mr Bean ice cream! Oh and we were suggesting having a chalet before school starts for you guys so we can go cycling, swimming, crazying, eating and all the activities you can think of at a cheap chalet that we need to find at a reasonable price. So what are you guys waiting for? Avail yourselves soon! (:
Take care and God Bless!

Remember that even if all else fails, God's love will never falter.


Monday, July 20, 2009

A quiet mind.

Dropping By..... ..... Keeping the wheels turning..... =D

Like to share a poem in the book Im reading now...and i have been blessed by it.

By Anonymous:

I've many a cross to take up now,
And many left behind;
But present troubles move me not,
nor shake my quiet mind.
And what may be to-morrow's cross
I never seek to find;
My Father says,"Leave that to me,
And Keep a quiet mind."

A quiet mind and a quiet heart is what Im learning these weeks. My response to certain circumstances/people has revealed my immaturity. Careless words reflected my anxious and sometimes stubborn heart. But in a moment I remembered My Almighty Father and I know what am I do.

*Round 13*

And the conversation between me and my God repeats.....

.... ....

I told you Im still learning.

To Trust & Obey.

Friday, June 12, 2009


I ♥ Cambodia because,
the children are lovable and adorable

the skies are pretty and unblocked..
in the day, and

in the evenings too (:

you get to wear clinical masks when working with pigs

you wear caps and huge hats without appearing weird at all!

I love Singapore because,
I have adorable friends ♥

the toilets at changi airport are simply the best
(even when the automatic flush wets your ass when you least want it to!)

and NO spiders almost the size of my palm!

Cambodia YEP trip, 14-27th May 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sincere Love

Now that you have purified yourself by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart.

- 1 Peter 1:22

today, i asked myself what exactly is this so-called SINCERE LOVE? my answer? sincere love is appreciating those who do not see eye to eye with me and even when misused and ashamed, it doesnt detract from the love i have for them but only refines it.

haha! i know it’s ridiculous how far i am from sincerely loving everyone. i hate being misused and i find it a little difficult to connect with people who see things differently from the way i do. but i realised that this love does not come from myself but from the One who is the source of all love, God. =)


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hello one and many. Welcome to Watching the Wheels, the only channel that keeps you entertained without wheels. I would very much love to introduce the beautiful creations of our father and would be starting soon so please switch your handphone to the silent mode and try not to be distracted by any birds chirping or friends laughing.

Firstly, I would like to thank Cher Lim for creating this blog and nice layout! 
Next, introducing you the beautiful creations. 
Cher, Vanessa, Gwen, Esther, Joanne, Adrina, Celine and Abelin!
Stay on for the next episode to know more about the girls. Pictures will be uploaded too. Weee.